Hello, world. Meet Lucy Jane.
She arrived July 8th and was 8 lbs. and 6 oz full of perfection. Some say she looks like her older sister, Charlie. Others say they see features of her big brother, Henry. (Ironically, no one said they saw her Aunt Rebecca in her! :) )
But, no matter who she looks like, one thing is certain - she is a modern-day miracle.
When my sister was about four months pregnant, she received a diagnosis for the baby of multicystic dysplastic kidney. It's a really long name for a condition that occurs when one kidney doesn't form properly as it's developing in the womb. The process of the formation of a kidney is complex and, if something goes wrong, it can lead to a kidney with cysts and scar tissue. The good thing is that the other kidney is usually able to a take over and perform all kidney function for the baby.
However, if both kidneys are affected, it leads to, what the medical field calls, a spontaneous abortion. Without the kidneys, the production of amniotic fluid does not occur and, therefore, the lungs cannot develop properly.
The doctors confirmed that cysts were present on both of Lucy's kidneys.
I have no idea what my sister and her husband were going through personally as they began to process this devastating news. And, to make it even worse, the doctors told her she had to wait a month before they could perform a follow-up ultrasound. This would allow the baby to grow so they could get a better look at her kidneys.
One whole month.
I'm sure this felt like an eternity.
One thing I do know is that people began to pray. Our church family, our friends. I'm sure there were people that we don't even know about that began to lift up Lucy's name in prayer.
As I was dealing with some other personal issues at the same time, I began to question if God could really heal her. I think it's easy to hear stories of God in the Bible and to know them in your my head, but perhaps we I don't truly believe them with our my heart. And, of course, then I became frustrated that I was even having these doubts. Surely my questioning was doing nothing to fuel my prayers for healing for baby Lucy.
One day, I began to look up verses on healing. I wanted to really look at God's healing power in the Bible and believe that he was Who He said he was, and that He would do what He said He will do.
While studying, the Lord led me to Psalm 139. It's probably one of the most popular chapters when dealing with babies and the sanctity of life in the womb.
Verse 13 and 14 states, For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
I began to wonder, 'What does the word reins mean in verse 13?'
What He showed me next was incredible.
Did you know another word for reins is kidneys?! (Look it up in the dictionary...don't just take my word for it!)
In the midst of my doubt, God showed me clearly that He had Lucy's kidneys in His possession! Sure, it still might not be in His will to heal her, but I know the Holy Spirit showed that verse to me for a reason. I didn't have a 'hallelujah' moment or a 'run around the room' experience. But I did have his Word, and I had to make myself choose to believe it.
It wasn't about my feelings. It wasn't about my doubt. It was about God's Word.
Fast forward one month and Jessica's ultrasound showed that, despite cysts on both kidneys, the lower portion of each one was still working. That meant that the amniotic fluid was being produced and she was continuing to grow and develop.
Fast forward three months later and Lucy is here. Through God's goodness and mercy, He performed a miracle. He must have big plans for this little one.
Last week, Jessica took her to the urologist to follow up on Lucy's kidneys post birth. This doctor told Jessica that in his twenty years of practice, he can maybe count ten times where a baby given this diagnosis on both kidneys has functioning in the kidneys.
God is good.
I learned that another definition of reins is the seat of the feelings or passions. Perhaps God performed two miracles throughout this pregnancy. Not only did God touch Lucy's kidneys, but
He took the time to lovingly reveal Himself to me in a time of doubt and questioning.
He possesses our reins, both big and small!
Absolutely beautifully said! Thank you so much for sharing this amazing story about our amazing God! :-)