I'm sure you've all seen people dumping buckets of ice water over their heads. Facebook. Instagram. Social media has been inundated with these posts. They've all been in efforts to raise awareness for ALS. And, if the research is done ethically, I think it's a great cause.
But don't worry. No ice buckets will be dumped here.
I wanted to share about a different disease - one I was born with. This month marks my 20th anniversary of being healed. 20 years!
The main difference between this disease and others, however, is that it is more deadly. But, unlike Lou Gehrig's disease, there is a cure.
In August of 1994, for the first time in my life, I saw myself for who I really was - a sinner. Sure, I was still a child. I hadn't killed anyone. I hadn't gotten drunk or done what the world would consider a major mess up. But the fact remained. I had still sinned. And even that one sin was enough to separate me from a perfect and holy and righteous Creator.
I'm so grateful to the Lord that He knocked on my heart's door that night. Laying in bed, I heard him call my name. No - it wasn't audible. At least to anyone else. But I know beyond any doubts that, in His still small voice, Jesus' plea of mercy and forgiveness were so undeservedly extended to me that night. There is truth in the lyrics of that age old hymn - my eyes, which were blinded, suddenly saw for the first time.
In my parent's bedroom, I knelt down and asked Jesus Christ to forgive me. I don't remember the exact words I prayed. I don't even remember the exact date. But I know His promises are true when He says, 'For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.' (Romans 10:13)
The past 20 years haven't seen me be perfect. I still sin. After all, it was my soul that was saved - not my flesh. But I have a Redeemer who has never forsaken me. He has protected me. Guided me. Loved me.
The longer I live, the more I see that everything this world has to offer pales in comparison to seeing my Savior glorified. Money. A successful career. Notoriety. None of it matters. In the end, I can't take anything with me when I leave. Anything except for other people, that is. Will you be joining me?
I pray your answer is yes. If not, today can be your day of healing.
I'm thankful that twenty years ago Jesus Christ saved me. At my physical birth, I was diagnosed a sinner. But thank the Lord, at my spiritual birth, He changed my prognosis. From sinner to saint. From lost to found.
Let today be your re-birth. Let today be the day your diagnosis is forever changed.
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