If you could only see what I'm surrounded by even as I type this blog. There's probably glitter stuck to me somewhere, there are construction paper footprints on the floor next to me (our VBS spy-themed curriculum explains this!), and there are markers strung across the table. On top of that, I can't help but think of the looming video deadline for my church's patriotic 'God & Country' Sunday that's just around the corner.
These are just a few of the major things atop my 'To Do' list. And when I think about all of the other stuff I need to get done, it can stress me out.
I'm sure you, friend, can find yourself in a similar situation. Your list may be comprised of different items, but the list is still there, nonetheless. And no matter how much you ignore it, the fact remains that we are a busy people.
I wonder if this is how Martha felt?
Sure, Martha didn't have detective-inspired room decor all over her living room floor. But still, there was work to be done. Jesus Christ Himself was coming to HER house! Can you imagine the cleaning that must have been going on?
But, no matter how busy Martha was, it was Mary who Jesus said 'hath chosen that good part.' She simply sat at Jesus' feet and heard His Word.
As I was preparing for one of our VBS lessons next week, these two verses stuck out to me:
And thou shalt love the Lord they God with all they heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
None other.
Let that sink in. None.
That means I can be as busy as I want, but if I'm not loving the Lord with everything I have, then I'm missing God's purpose for my life, no matter how many items I cross off my 'To Do' list. And it's not the type of love that's so casually used today between individuals. It's a love that requires ALL of me - my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength.
It's only then that this love for God will pour over into loving others and serving the Lord with the right intentions. But it has to start with spending time with God, in His Word and in prayer.
Sure, I love what I'm doing. I am excited to be teaching some young girls next week about God's love for them. I'm excited to be able to put together some videos for our church's patriotic service. But I don't want the busyness of my schedule to distract me from ultimately choosing the better option.
Jesus Christ goes further to say that not only did Mary choose the good part, but she chose that which was 'needful.'
May we see the NEED of spending time at Jesus' feet. Lord, even when my flesh screams for Martha, may the Mary spirit be what I choose!
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