I thought about using a quote. You know, something powerful and captivating that would pull you in and make you want to read further. (Because my own writing doesn't always have that same effect!) But I couldn't find one that said exactly what I wanted it to.
How do you describe someone so special in such a short amount of words anyways?
A person who you've known your entire life, who shares your same last name, and who is about to embark on a life changing journey in just a few short hours.
Meet my brother, Travis.
(No, you didn't just read an eHarmony dating profile about him, although, ladies, he is single!)
Tomorrow my brother leaves for his second deployment to Afghanistan with the United States Army. I don't know what he's feeling right now. The emotions going through his head...the thoughts as he packs his last bag and boards his long flight to the Middle East.
All I know is that I love him and I'm grateful for the choice he has made to serve our country. Trav does what he does because he wants to. No one forced him into the military, nor does he come from a family lineage full of servicemen. It was a choice he made and a pledge, I feel, he's upholding with integrity.
I know I sometimes struggle with telling others what they mean to me. It's a shame, really, that I often pass up an opportunity to thank someone and encourage them. After all, we are commanded in God's Word to exhort others. (Hebrews 3:13)
So, Trav, as you leave to serve our country - to serve me - here is what I want to say to you:
I don't know what it's like to pack up everything I own and head into the middle of a war zone, to have the unfamiliar suddenly become normal routine. But I do know one thing. God is faithful and will keep every promise He's ever made to you. He will be there when you feel you have no one to turn to- when homesickness starts to settle in and you just want to leave. I pray that you'll feel God's presence and guidance every step of the way and that you'll turn to Him always. And just like your physical job requires armor, so too does your spiritual calling. (Ephesians 6:10-20) Thank you for choosing to serve and for your willingness to go. I'm honored to call you my brother, and I look forward to having you back home safe. I love you, Travis!
(Don't kill me for this one, Trav! You were too cute not to post!)
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