Thursday, February 27, 2014

For My Brother

I don't even know how to begin this blog.

I thought about using a quote. You know, something powerful and captivating that would pull you in and make you want to read further. (Because my own writing doesn't always have that same effect!) But I couldn't find one that said exactly what I wanted it to.

How do you describe someone so special in such a short amount of words anyways?

A person who you've known your entire life, who shares your same last name, and who is about to embark on a life changing journey in just a few short hours.

Meet my brother, Travis.

He's four years my junior, despite being a good 7 inches taller than me. He has a unique love for our parents' cat, Skittles, and succeeds in practically everything he tries. He's become my Braves game companion (when he's in town), and he has an uncanny ability to always make a joke about our mom's doilies.

(No, you didn't just read an eHarmony dating profile about him, although, ladies, he is single!)

Tomorrow my brother leaves for his second deployment to Afghanistan with the United States Army. I don't know what he's feeling right now. The emotions going through his head...the thoughts as he packs his last bag and boards his long flight to the Middle East.

All I know is that I love him and I'm grateful for the choice he has made to serve our country. Trav does what he does because he wants to. No one forced him into the military, nor does he come from a family lineage full of servicemen. It was a choice he made and a pledge, I feel, he's upholding with integrity.

I know I sometimes struggle with telling others what they mean to me.  It's a shame, really, that I often pass up an opportunity to thank someone and encourage them. After all, we are commanded in God's Word to exhort others. (Hebrews 3:13)

So, Trav, as you leave to serve our country - to serve me - here is what I want to say to you:

I don't know what it's like to pack up everything I own and head into the middle of a war zone, to have the unfamiliar suddenly become normal routine. But I do know one thing. God is faithful and will keep every promise He's ever made to you. He will be there when you feel you have no one to turn to- when homesickness starts to settle in and you just want to leave. I pray that you'll feel God's presence and guidance every step of the way and that you'll turn to Him always. And just like your physical job requires armor, so too does your spiritual calling. (Ephesians 6:10-20) Thank you for choosing to serve and for your willingness to go. I'm honored to call you my brother, and I look forward to having you back home safe. I love you, Travis!   

(Don't kill me for this one, Trav! You were too cute not to post!)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Glimpse Into Heaven

As we stood in a circle praying before we left, their beautiful brown-toned skin clasped our pale white hands. The horns of jeepneys and music from the food vendors below seamlessly vanished, leaving only the voices of two nationalities lifting up their cries to the Lord. English, didn't matter. The Holy Spirit was moving in that upstairs church building, and I suddenly felt my eyes fill with tears. The last 'amen' was said, we gave our goodbyes, gathered our luggage, and headed to the airport to begin the trip home.

This was just one of the wonderful memories I will carry away with me from my trip to the Philippines. I believe the Lord has shown me a very tiny glimpse of what Heaven will be like one day.

Rev. 7:9-10 'After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.'

I think it's easy, at least for me, to get trapped into having an American mindset, rather than a proper world view - one that includes all nations and ethnic groups.

It's not something I intentionally set out to do. But, if I stop and think about it, I'm around the same type of people every day. We are Americans. I eat with them. I work with them. I go to church with them. And I love them.

I am grateful to God for allowing me to be born in the United States. But Christ died for the world, not just America. (John 3:16)

When God talks about the harvest being ready, those are not just lost souls in Cumming, Georgia. There are people all across this globe needing the salvation that can only come from having a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

And the exciting news is that Christ will save anyone who comes to Him by faith. American. Filipino. They are all precious in our Creator's eyes.

I'm thankful that, despite being in the Philippines for just a very short time, God allowed me to meet and fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ. It was amazing to me that, despite our obvious physical and cultural differences, the bond we share in the Lord was strong enough to overcome them all.

As I sat on the plane scribbling down my thoughts, only a few hours away from arriving back home, I feel like I have left a piece of me in the Philippines. Lord willing, we plan to go back next year. But my prayer is that no matter where the Lord takes me, I'll be reminded of my duty as a Christian to carry the Gospel message to the world. And I am encouraged knowing I have new friends half way across the globe who share this same desire and who, I believe, will be with me one day in eternity praising and worshipping our Lord and Savior together!

Ang Panginoon Ay Karapat-dapat Sa Lahat Ng Kapurihan!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Loving Valentine's Day...yet single?

Grocery stores are being peppered with pink and red candies. Hallmark seems to have birthed an entire new aisle of cards for the occasion, while flower stores are amping up for the sudden surge that's about to hit them.

And I'm sure every year around this time you hear the jokes and bitterness that seem to surface by those who are without a significant other.

'Happy Singles Awareness Day,' you hear them say, with cynicism in their voice that I'm sure makes all married or dating people want to avoid them at all costs.

I have a secret confession.

I absolutely LOVE Valentine's Day. And guess what? I'm single!

No, I didn't write this blog post to condemn any single person who's ever felt left out during this time of year. Nor did I write it to come across as if I have it all together. I would be lying if I told you there were not times that have been more difficult than others. When many of my friends are already experiencing parenthood, it's easy to put my life next to theirs and, with not even a boyfriend in sight, begin to question the Lord.

You know, God, I'm not getting any younger.

My childbearing years aren't going to last forever.

As if God doesn't know my current circumstance or what is best for me. Silly, when you stop and think about it, I know!

But that's exactly what we do.

However, I know God's ways and His timing is perfect. And I know He's working, even in the waiting.

Perhaps, friend, God is working in you in ways that will prepare you to be a better wife. A better mother. And I know I'm speaking to the ladies (since that's the only perspective I can attest to), but it's the same for you single guys as well.

God has taught me some things during this time of my life that I would love to share with other singles out there that might change not only the way you view Valentine's Day, but how you look at your relationship status altogether.

God is the only One who can truly satisfy you.

Even if God were to send you a boyfriend/husband today (or girlfriend/wife for all the guys), this person will never be able to fill the place of your Savior. The joy. The peace. The abundant life. It all comes from having a personal, intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. And no matter how many lies the world tries to cram down your throat, you will never experience that by trying to put another individual in the place designed only for your Creator.

Is marriage wrong then? Absolutely NOT. God ordained the institution of marriage and said it's a good thing. But when we take this good thing and place it over the BEST thing, we've created an idol and have set ourselves up for a life of discontentment.

Don't let God's love for you be dependent upon whether or not you have a significant other.

I doubt many have you have actually verbally done this. But if we get down to the core of our heart and thoughts, I think many of us (you can't see me, but I've got my hand raised as well) have questioned God's love for us during our time of singleness.

Everyone else is married, or at least in a relationship. God must love them more than He loves me. Why else would He be withholding that from me?

Friend, God's love for all of us was displayed at Calvary. John 3:16 says, 'For God so lovED the world.' The loved is past tense, which points back to a particular time and place. That time and place is the cross. God's love for us shouldn't be measured by our present circumstances - married or unmarried. Instead, we should always look to the cross as the measuring stick of God's love. Even if you don't feel like it, you are LOVED!

Don't put your life on hold while waiting for a significant other.

If you are His child, God has called all of us to be in full time Christian service. Sure, we might not all be called to be missionaries or pastors' wives. But we are all called to love God, to obey Him, and to share His truth with a lost and dying world. Don't waste this time of singleness saying you'll start serving God when you get married. Now is the time. God could open up doors for you that can only be fulfilled during this particular season of your life. And I'm pretty sure that if you aren't serving God now, a wedding band around your finger isn't suddenly going to make you change your ways.

Expressing your love isn't confined to a significant other.

I think many times single people don't like Valentine's Day because they automatically think that only people in a relationship can enjoy this holiday. Love isn't confined between a husband and a wife or a boyfriend and girlfriend. I have so many people in my life that I can truly say I love. Why can't I send them a card letting them know how much they mean to mean to me? What's stopping me from sending flowers to someone who's impacted my life in a special way?

I challenge you, single readers, to do something like this for someone special in your life. You'll be surprised how good it will make you feel. (And I'm positive the person on the receiving end will be blessed!)

So, friend, February 14th is coming. You can allow Satan to stir up bitterness in you towards those who are in a relationship. Or, you can embrace it head on and use it for God's glory.

As for me, I choose the latter. After all, I love Valentine's Day!